What If You Could Find & Hire Skilled Loyal Productive Interns @Scale For Less?

Could You Beat The Competition? Win The Talent War? Save Million$?

Save 50% or More
0 %

Yes, we can reduce your intern recruiting and management costs by 50% or more while improving retention and productivity.

Of Bad Hires Lack Soft-Skills
0 %

89% of bad hires lack soft-skills often discovered too late after hire, decreasing team morale and overall productivity.

Can't Qualify Early Talent Skills
0 %

92% of employers say they can’t qualify key soft skills in early talent-hiring programs. The hiring process needs new tools.

Manage, Observe, Measure, and Score Internships and Intern Performance @Scale for Less!

With SkillWaze® AI-Powered Managed Virtual Internships

And Skillytics® Intern Performance Analytics

SkillWaze® AI-Powered Managed Virtual Internships are private employer alumni co-branded virtual-cloud real-time task team project collaboration rooms.

Interns complete individual and team tasks under deadline where alumni advisors provide feedback and advice while developing employer-alumni brand connection and loyalty.

Skillytics®  AI-Powered Intern Performance Analytics observes, measures and scores detailed individual intern and team performance in real-time.

Drill into real-time dashboards to see which interns are actively engaged, each individual and team progress, work-quality and comprehensive analysis of each intern’s nine key soft-skills for verified skills based hiring.